RegTech Impact Podcast – REGULIERUNG IM FOKUS

Lisa Ventura, PACI - World Economic Forum, Geneva Switzerland

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Lisa Ventura has a strong experience in managing new models of public-private partnerships. Through the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI), Lisa leads the mobilization of the private sector in global and regional activities to collectively strengthen integrity and advance transparency in society. She also manages the Global Future Council on Transparency and Anti-Corruption where she curates thought leadership on the most critical issues shaping anti-corruption and its intersection with SDGs, technology and corporate governance. Prior, Lisa worked for the International Commission of Jurists and McKinsey & Company. She holds a MA in International Law from the School of Oriental and African Studies; and a BA in European Politics from the University of Nottingham, UK. Lisa is a World Economic Forum Global Leadership Fellow and an Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader from the Policy Center for the New South


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