RegTech Impact Podcast – REGULIERUNG IM FOKUS

Dennis Versteeg, Compliance Innovation Lead / RegTech Innovation Board, ING Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands

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  1. Why should established banks engage with RegTech? If yes, what are the two main value propositions?
  2. Is there a RegTech maturity level in an organization like a Bank - I mean whether a RegTech solution is basically used very strongly or very little within the group?
  3. How should a basic RegTech innovation cycle or a RegTech strategy for established banks be set up? (Can you please outline the required steps)
  4. How did you implement RegTech at ING?
  5. Are there RegTech topics that should generally be purchased from external service/product providers?
  6. What should RegTechs learn or consider in order to better collaborate with established companies? Any practical examples?


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