RegTech Impact Podcast – REGULIERUNG IM FOKUS

Anja Theurer, Former CFO of Bundeswehr Cyber Innovation Hub - Expert in the field of government procurement, Berlin

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Anja Theurer is an expert in the field of government procurement with a focus on agile procurement and collaboration between the state and start-ups. As CFO, she helped set up the Bundeswehr Cyber Innovation Hub, the first digital innovation unit of a federal government department, and established an agile procurement process for innovations from the global start-up ecosystem. Previously, she was managing director of the Brandenburg Procurement Advisory Service, an independent service unit of the Brandenburg chambers of commerce with the mission to act as an intermediary between companies and public contracting authorities in the area of public procurement and to support those involved in the procurement process with advice and other services.

Anja Theurer studied law and economics in Bayreuth and Padua and initially worked as a lawyer and lobbyist for the construction industry. She is a co-author of the Beck'sche Online-Kommentar Vergaberecht (Beck's Online Commentary on Procurement Law) on the topic of "Mittelstand und Vergabe" (SMEs and Procurement), a regular speaker and panel participant in the field of agile procurement and an honorary assessor at the Federal Procurement Chambers at the Federal Cartel Office. As founder and co-chair of the association Staat-up e.V., she promotes the introduction of agile culture in the public sector.


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