RegTech Impact Podcast – REGULIERUNG IM FOKUS

Klaus Moosmayer, Ph.D., Chief Ethics, Risk & Compliance Officer of Novartis, Basel Switzerland

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Klaus Moosmayer, Ph.D. Chief Ethics, Risk & Compliance Officer of Novartis [linkedin] Nationality: German Year of Birth: 1968 Klaus Moosmayer, Ph.D., has been Chief Ethics, Risk & Compliance Officer of Novartis since 2018. He is a member of the Executive Committee of Novartis. Mr. Moosmayer previously was chief compliance officer of Siemens AG, a position he held since 2014. During his 18- year career at Siemens, Mr. Moosmayer also served as chief counsel compliance from 2009 to 2013, and as compliance operating officer from 2007 to 2009. Mr. Moosmayer received his doctor of jurisprudence from the University of Freiburg in Germany, and passed his first and second state examination in law in Germany. He is internationally recognized in the field of compliance. He serves as vice chair of the Business at OECD (BIAC) executive board and served as chair of its Anti-Corruption Committee from 2013 to 2020. He is co-founder and chair of the European Chief Compliance and Integrity Officers’ Forum; and co-chair of the B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force under the G20 presidency of Saudi Arabia. He served as co-chair of the B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force under the G20 presidency of Argentina in 2018, and as chair of the B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force under the G20 presidency of Germany in 2017.


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